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The latest from TrailManor

November 2023 Newsletter

It's been a while since we last updated you with our newsletter. We've been busy brainstorming, researching, and designing some exciting new things at TrailManor. This photo is a picture of the new Trailmanor building that we will be moving into late spring, early summer [Read More]

May 2023 Newsletter

BIG NEWS!  CHANGE CHANGE CHANGE: TrailManor is relocating! Moving from Upland Colony 24221 412 Ave – Artesian SD 45 miles southeast To Old Elm Springs (OES) Colony 42021 268th St – Parkston SD OES Colony purchased TrailManor in 2017 and contracted with the Upland Colony [Read More]

February 2023 Newsletter

Valentine’s Day is here! It is another great time to buy your sweetheart a gift that will give memories for years to come – a TrailManor travel trailer! If you’ve been thinking about doing that, the time is now. Time waits for no one. We have [Read More]

January 2023 Newsletter

As promised in our last newsletter, here we are again – this time in an all-NEW YEAR; hopefully 2023 will be a year filled with good health and much happiness for each of us. Christmas season was filled with a lot of cancellations because of winter [Read More]

December 2022 Newsletter

We wish you all a very wonderful Christmas season! All is well at the factory.  Our sales continue to be steady even though the industry is reporting there is a saturation of campers on dealers lots. Our unique travel trailer continues to carry us onward. I [Read More]

November 2022 Newsletter

Greetings once again from the very dry part of the country! We are hoping the forecast for some rain/snow at week’s end is correct. It is that time again to set our clocks back an hour and end Daylight Savings Time. Actually, the Senate passed the [Read More]

October 2022 Newsletter

Fall season is quickly approaching. This Thursday (October 6th)  we are supposed to have below freezing temperatures for the first time since last spring so we are reminded that our shirt-sleeve weather is drawing to a close very fast. Production is slower than normal because some [Read More]

September 2022 Newsletter

We are pleased with factory operations – which includes the ability to obtain needed materials. We’ve even seen pricing decreases on a few of the materials we use. Perhaps ‘normal’ is returning. I know we’ve said it before, but we must say once again that we [Read More]

August 2022 Newsletter

Greetings from the factory (and the farm)! It is getting close to garden vegetable harvest. There aren’t many foods better than fresh garden vegetables. We are hopeful that the drought doesn’t claim the bounty. Yes, we are in a drought; yet, the James River flowing through [Read More]

July 2022 Newsletter

We hope that your Fourth of July was a good one!      We are looking forward to the planned visit of some of the people in the TrailBlazer’s club this month here at the factory. Our sales rep, Bob Eickhoff, will be in Colorado Springs at [Read More]

June 2022 Newsletter

We asked for moisture and oh boy have we got it! We’ve had some torrential downpours coupled with wind, thunder, lightning and tornado warnings! The river is full and one of the roads to the colony/factory has flooded over the bridge. The moisture is great for [Read More]

May 2022 Newsletter

Whew! May Day, Cinco De Mayo, Mother’s Day all in a row! We hope you have been able to enjoy these special times. Now graduations are lining up en masse. It is a busy month. Our Service/Parts Department has been very busy scheduling service work and [Read More]

April 2022 Newsletter

Everything is usual: Wars, storms, inflation, political unrest, etc. We need to continuously remind ourselves that this is all temporary and concentrate on good things, such as getting out with our campers to enjoy nature, seeing unfamiliar places, and experiencing peace and tranquility. Hopefully, many of [Read More]

March 2022 Newsletter

March 16th will be the end of the six-week period which legendary Punxsutawney Phil predicted winter to extend. Here in South Dakota, we’ve experienced a mix of winter/spring but mostly extreme cold! We are hoping for spring weather!  Also, according to another legend, if March comes [Read More]

February 2022 Newsletter

We have had our annual ‘cold snap’ here in South Dakota with sub-zero temperatures but, so far, and for whatever reason we haven’t had much snow this winter. Maybe the country has somehow tipped sideways because the east coast and the southern states have been hit [Read More]

January 2022 Newsletter

Welcome 2022 - Happy New Year! ‘Tis the season for RV SHOWS! Please check our website for the upcoming RV Shows where we are scheduled! Hope to see you there! It has been really really quiet over the holidays here at the factory. We have had [Read More]

December 2021 Newsletter

December kind of snuck up on us here at the factory while we have been concentrating on getting materials. The weather doesn’t seem much like December because we haven’t had any measurable snow yet. Not complaining, mind you but it is strange to have the weather [Read More]

November 2021 Newsletter

News from the factory actually remains pretty much the same as it has been in the past several months; materials remain difficult or totally impossible to obtain which slows production. News reports show cargo ships out on the ocean waiting their turn to port and unload. [Read More]

August 2021 Newsletter

This month of August is getting away from me! It is coming to a close pretty fast so I’ll hurry and get this newsletter ‘off the press’. We remain very busy here at the factory. We are still trying to catch up with the orders. It [Read More]

July 2021 Newsletter

Greetings once again from South Dakota – the home of TrailManor™! Here at the Colony, our farm crops look good in spite of the dry weather conditions and now, finally, after a long, dry growing season and a very hot Independence Day we are enjoying cooler [Read More]

June 2021 Newsletter

“What’s news at the factory”, you may be asking. Well, for one thing, it is HOT up here! It seems as though our spring weather turned into heat awfully quick. We are in great need of rain. Thank goodness for air conditioning inside the factory. It [Read More]

May 2021 Newsletter

This photo was snapped by one of our customers who visited the factory. It was published on the TrailManor Fans Face Book page. Our General Manager, Jacob, placed fertilized eggs in an incubator here in the facory and low and behold – we have baby chicks! [Read More]

April 2021 Newsletter

April showers bring May flowers! With the amount of rain we have had this past week we should be getting a good crop of flowers. The tree buds are ready to burst forth with new leaves; the cows are calving and life is coming anew. It [Read More]

March 2021 Newsletter

So far, Punxsutawney Phil was wrong! We have not had six weeks more of winter; however, in mid-February we did have some extremely sub-zero temperatures when the arctic air dropped south. In South Dakota we are prepared for those extreme sub-zero temperatures but in the deep [Read More]

February 2021 Newsletter

Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow! Six more weeks of winter! If that becomes reality it gives us all more time to get ready for spring. We’ve needed additional time at the factory to catch up manufacturing to the sales – mainly because of the materials we’ve [Read More]

January 2021 Newsletter

Who would think that our country would be going through such turmoil with an election? It has been interesting (and sometimes difficult) to be a bystander to all this. We’ll see how it plays out. The Covid-19 vaccine is finally here. It almost seems impossible [Read More]

October 2020 Newsletter

Greetings from the ‘Land of Harvest’! Our colony’s crops are being combined – hopefully we’ll be ready for winter in another month! The mild weather is permitting an early harvest this year and even though we need rain badly, our crops have faired well. Sorry [Read More]

August 2020 Newsletter

It is August in South Dakota! Not only can you tour our TrailManor factory (any week day), you can join in with the bikers at the 80th annual Sturgis Rally (August 7-16) – and eat the best watermelon you will ever find at Forestburg (beginning August [Read More]

July 2020 Newsletter

We have a barn swallow nest on the front porch. The newly hatched fledglings can now peek over the nest; one day soon they will take their first flight. They are incredible little creatures that somehow migrate from here in South Dakota to as far away [Read More]

June 2020 Newsletter

Greetings from South Dakota once again – The first half of 2020 going fast! Camping just seems to be the VERY BEST thing to be doing these days of unrest... first the pandemic – now the riots. We agree with the protests but the riots are [Read More]

May 2020 Newsletter

The numbers 2020 refer to perfect vision but with the world’s fallout from COVID-19 and hearing so many varying opinions it is difficult to stay focused. All of this has had a negative impact on your spring camping plans. We hope it all works out for [Read More]

April 2020 Newsletter

First thing we do every morning is to check the websites for COVID-19 updates! We’ll be happy when we are back to checking for new TrailManor orders first thing! Actually, so far, our sales have been steady and we’ve been keeping the supply up with the [Read More]

March 2020 Newsletter

Coronavirus is leading all news stories. President Trump declared a National Emergency today; South Dakota’s Governor Noem declared the same for South Dakota. We are pleased that our leaders are taking action to curb the spread of this dreaded virus. We trust this virus doesn’t affect [Read More]

February 2020 Newsletter

Twenty some years ago people who owned TrailManor travel trailers formed an organization they named ‘The TrailBlazers’. Soon members from around the country created chapters for their regions. These ‘chapters’ adopted names for their local clubs and each year they plan trips and events for their [Read More]

January 2020 Newsletter

Greetings from the VERY cold state of South Dakota! We think that we have had our share of snow and cold but the weather forecasters say differently! Our bird feeders empty really fast – I wonder where they would get their food without our feeders! Our [Read More]

December 2019 Newsletter

In the past newsletters we’ve talked quite a bit about the weather we’ve had here this year – we’ve had more rain than any year in recorded history, the farmers say this is the worst year they have ever lived through, we are now having record [Read More]

October 2019 Newsletter

Check out our new brochure on! It includes our newest Model 2518 series trailers or you can always call our office to request one to be mailed to you. Many of you keep a few on hand and share them. Let us know if/when you [Read More]

August 2019 Newsletter

Greetings from the TrailManor factory. It has been a busy summer. We had a little ‘bump in the road’ when a hail storm did damage to some of our new trailers. The good thing was that there were merely small dimples on the tops so they [Read More]

July 2019 Newsletter

Our Model 2518 series is back by popular demand! This model has 25 feet of living space inside when open and it is 18 feet in length for storage and/or towing. We brought it back because we continue to get so many requests for it. A [Read More]

June 2019 Newsletter

Hopefully you are having some great camping experiences this camping season. We are definitely enjoying some great weather here in South Dakota and the campsites are very active. We are happy to report that next year's July 4, 2020) Fourth of July festivities at the Mount [Read More]

May 2019 Newsletter

The cold wintery weather just did not want to leave this part of the USA! It has been quite a few years ago that we had snow fall in May but here it was this year! Our local electric supplier reported that it has been a [Read More]

April 2019 Newsletter

April Showers have been BIG this year. The downpours came when the ground was still frozen which created a lot of damage to bridges, roads, farms and some homes. All that was followed by a pretty big blizzard! Our neighboring state of Nebraska was hit especially [Read More]

March 2019 Newsletter

Greetings from South Dakota – Home of TrailManor! What a month February was! Several of us toured Patrick Industries in Elkhart Indiana the first part of the month. The people there were genuinely hospitable and helpful. We learned quite a bit about new materials and we [Read More]

February 2019 Newsletter

Six new 2019 TrailManors looking for a home!! February, 2019 Greetings from: TM Industries, LLC dba TrailManor South Dakota has been really, really cold the past few weeks. The wind-chill is 40% below zero and actual temps at 23% below zero… and it doesn’t appear to [Read More]

Upcoming TrailManor events. (Subject to change)

Check back here for upcoming shows

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