Greetings once again from the very dry part of the country! We are hoping the forecast for some rain/snow at week’s end is correct.
It is that time again to set our clocks back an hour and end Daylight Savings Time. Actually, the Senate passed the Sunshine Protection Act of 2021 back in March of this year to abolish the semiannual clock changes. That would create a nation adhering to permanent daylight savings time. Evidently it hasn’t passed in the House yet.
On Tuesday we’ll be back at the voting booths voting for the candidates we believe in. It is our privilege and our responsibility to vote.
Well, at the factory we must report that there is no news! We are happily working each day manufacturing the worlds most unique travel trailer. We keep our eyes open for products that could enhance our trailers. We’ll let you know if there are any changes in view.
Watch for news regarding RV Shows that will be going on in just a few months. The RV show season is coming. In particular, be on the alert for news regarding shows with our TrailManor dealers beginning in January.
Great things to look forward to this month are Thanksgiving on Thursday, November 24th and the beginning of Advent will be on Sunday, November 27th. These are true reminders that our 2022 is quickly winding down. It is time to start planning for some great camping ventures in the coming year.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Paul Wipf